Here at Dupree International, we have a strong work force. A close-knit family of individuals with special skills, who encourage and push each other to grow. Without our team, we wouldn't be.
It's always exciting when a new team member is recruited. It shows growth, a greater understanding of the company structure and most of all - offers a new opportunity to learn and educate.
So, you're probably wondering who this new team member is? We're more than happy to announce that our new member of the Dupree International family is Mason Mallett.
Mason will be taking up the role of Business Development Manager, seeking prospects, growing relationships and growing Dupree International on the digital front-line.
Who is Mason?
Mason is an ambitious, creative and digital-minded individual, who referred himself as 'a swiss army knife of digital talent'. Having dived deep into many aspects of the digital marketing spectrum, Mason has a skill-set we saw would be a perfect fit for our team - filling in areas that need more time to be spent on, and seeking opportunities overlooked.
A digital mindset was planted in Mason's head when he first started using a computer and making YouTube videos at a very young age, landing himself a digital marketing role after studying at college.
Recently, Mason decided to take action on one of his dreams and travelled the world. Adventuring through South-East Asia and then spending nine months in a van travelling Australia, picking up jobs from working at cattle station in the Australian outback, to running an Alpaca hobby farm.
Mason said: "Travelling was the best experience of my life. To explore different cultures, backgrounds and people was truly eye-opening and makes you appreciate life in a whole new way".
"I'm now looking to get back to my digital career path and believe a strong career lies ahead of me here at Dupree International".
If you are interested in his travel journey, you can check out what he got up to on his Instagram:
Why Dupree International?
With Dupree International based in the heart of the Lincolnshire countryside, we asked Mason why he wants to work for us. This was his response:
"I love that fact you are based in the countryside. It's a real fresh of breath air. You don't need to be located in highly populated areas if the team behind the company has the skills - we take the hustle and bustle wherever we go.
What excites me is working with the creative minds that build the team at Dupree International and how I can integrate and learn with them.
I'm also looking forward to bring my skills from business development and networking to my digital skills such as SEO, Content writing, Social media and more to the table".
We can't wait to help Mason grow his skills further and also learn from the knowledge Mason has and how he can grow our client-base.
Wanting to say hello to him? Why not give him a call, or drop him a message.
+44 (0) 1780 757666