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Thomas Quinn Brand Makeover

The re-brand of Thomas Quinn was particularly satisfying for the Dupree Team, largely because we felt indebted to them for the great service that we receive for them, and we wanted to see them benefit from a great re-brand that we were confident we could do with them.

Also, knowing how this exercise would naturally lead to far more engaging social media and PR, we knew our relationship was set to build and so we were delighted that they chose us.

We appointed Thomas Quinn as our accountants a few years ago and have been very pleased with the service we have received. They have always demonstrated the ability to really understand our business and provide very solid advice on a multitude of different areas.

In that respect we often refer to our contact there as ‘our rock’. As a business we have always set challenging and complicated goals for ourselves and, as such, have needed a great deal of support and advice along the way. Our main contact, Anthony Wright, and the rest of the team has never let us down and this has encouraged us to push even harder in the knowledge that the advice we’re being offered is as sound as a pound.

On occasions when we have felt as though we have possibly taken on a bit more that we can financially support but, after Anthony has made sense of everything and offered strategic direction, we have been confident enough to forge ahead with a much clearer understanding of how we’re going to make things happen.

The team at Thomas Quinn dig deep in order to understand businesses. In so doing, they decided to appoint Dupree International to manage their brand development - they came to the conclusion that we shared similar values and they could see how successful our engagements with other customers had been.

Thomas Quinn had witnessed how our brand development expertise generally leads to much longer-term relationships requiring more of our services including web development, social media and PR. This gave them the confidence to reciprocate business and experience the same ‘inclusive journey’ that had helped to elevate other brands that we had come into contact with.

This process played out no differently to any other project that we have conducted, except that we possibly had a head start in terms of having formed a perception of what they were about as a business. Certainly, after carrying out some insight research and then moving onto a core values exercise with their senior team, the process was more fluid than ever – being easier to understand the ‘deeper reasoning’ behind the words that the TQ team generated.

Core Values

Their core values were: Understanding, Commitment, Courageous, Collaborate, Trusted, Adaptable, and Reliable.

Proposition & Tone of Voice

This translated into this proposition/tone of voice:

Thomas Quinn is all about accountability through an in-depth understanding of accountancy but, just as importantly - how businesses operate, so we are committed to a close collaboration with each and every customer.

This in turn brings clarity to their specific requirements and by utilising our broad internal knowledge base, we can then be courageous in what we recommend and stand by the advice that we offer.

Working closely with a broad mix of customers in many markets requires adaptability and the need to ask the right questions.

We can then offer consistently reliable solutions that customers learn to trust.

However complicated or ambitious the challenge ahead, the first step towards a successful outcome is to share your thoughts with Thomas Quinn.

Logo & Strapline Development

From this statement, we redesigned their logo to represent the approach that Thomas Quinn takes. We also pulled out words that were regularly used in discussions including Dialogue, Questioning, Advice, Talking, Listening – acting as part of your own team - then ultimately, the value of ‘UNDERSTANDING’. This was the result:

We agreed that the ‘Q’ represented all of the above words and values and, working alongside the strapline, offered broad appeal to those companies seeking this type of collaborative relationship.

‘Let’s figure it out’ intimates that ‘we’re in this together’ and this was quickly accepted by the Thomas Quinn team. From this we developed the tone of voice and personality of the rebrand.

At Dupree we always rigorously test straplines and propositions to ensure they, using our own term, ‘have legs’. This is essential for brands and basically means that we are apply this to any number of tactical ploys including advertising, website, social media, stationery, competitions etc. This was carried out in a creative, but relevant way that gets people’s attention, creates desire but also indicates that Thomas Quinn employs clever people!


One application, the website that we created can be seen here:


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