Don’t make the mistake of marketing your products based on the cold facts of practical reasons. Connect with your consumers by creating a desire of ownership.
If you're marketing your products you're most probably spending most of your time and budget simply telling your consumers about all the PRACTICAL REASONS why they should buy your products - you’re telling them about the features and benefits.
How many times have you said 'I can’t believe that after everything we’ve done to explain that our product has this feature and that benefit that makes them ten times better, consumers are still buying someone else’s?
Communicating practical reasons can work, but only if you have a one-off, unique, 'never been seen before’ product and not because your product has a slight variation to everything else that’s out there.
By promoting PRACTICAL REASONS in the eyes of the consumer, you're simply measuring your product up against the competition. That’s precious time and money spent basically pointing out 'there are lots of products like this but we think you should buy ours’!
The fact is that consumers probably do understand what you're telling them. The problem is they buy someone else's products because of something you’re not offering - DESIRE OF OWNERSHIP. DESIRE has now become the REASON for purchase. Only YOUR product will help them achieve the reason to splash out in the fist place.
Quite simply, communicating the DESIRE of ownership (not the PRACTICAL REASONS) is the difference between a consumer wanting to purchase a specific product and a consumer needing to purchase YOUR specific product. Now you’re connecting with the consumer on an emotional, non-rational level. It’s not about measuring your product up against your competition, it’s about inferring only that your product can deliver what will satisfy what they feel they need. Your product has now become a brand.
But surely you only need to create DESIRE to sell certain types of products such as perfume, haute couture or sports cars? I hear you say. So let’s explore that… Lets invent a two scenarios using your new product - the humble potato (of course the impact of this exercise is limited in the fact the this is solely based on words without the use of imagery to help convey desire!)
Let’s firstly sell your product on features and benefits:
Organically grown by generations of farmers in the deep rich earth of Lincolnshire (feature). This unique environment produces some of the very best potatoes available and perfect for mashing or roasting (benefit). After grading (feature), only the finest quality potatoes are selected (benefit) and then delivered to stores around the UK within 24 hours for perfect freshness (benefit).
Then lets compare to selling your product on desire:
As a moist, hazy mist hangs low across the fields our buttery yellow spuds are dug from the rich, dark Lincolnshire earth (desire). Potatoes lovingly nurtured and cultivated by generations of farmers to provide us with delicious creamy mash to accompany our tasty bangers. Or crisp but fluffy roasties, perfect with succulent and tender roast beef (desire). Isn’t it time you dished up potato perfection (desire).
So to sum up, It’s not about how good your product is. It’s about how good a consumer feels about purchasing it.
To start applying the ‘desire’ factor to your products, please get in touch to start a conversation.